Friday, 7 December 2012


      Mr Cercel was victim of criminal offences and other human rights infringements by police officers of West Mercia Police Force – Worcester Police Station since 13 August 2011.

Between 13 August 2011 and 10 January 2012, Mr Cercel tried achieving equality and respect for his human rights by himself, without any help from any agency.
As it was obvious he will not succeed, since 30 January 2012 he started contacting and involving the I.P.C.C.

The I.P.C.C. has not followed procedures and failed to record “the more serious complaint” but sent it back to the Professional Standards Department of the police force to be dealt with as a “local resolution”.

At a later stage, the only result of the decision of involving the I.P.C.C. was that being aware of the investigation against them, the police officers started humiliating more and more the victim.
We can assume that at this stage the police officers (probably from past experience) were aware that nothing will happen to them.

The decision of Mr Andrew Larking took on 29 November 2012 seems to confirm this assumption.

Mr Cercel was exposed to criminal offences, exposed to aggravated discriminative behaviour and “institutional racism” by members of West Mercia Police Force.

He was told that the only body that can take action against them is the I.P.C.C.

Months later, enduring a very humiliating wave of revenge from police officers who in their pride wanted to show him that he is less of a human being in comparison to them, Mr Cercel received humiliating correspondence as a result of his complaint, a response that could easily afect anyone`s health condition: “the police officers have not evicted you, that is your perception”.

This proves that foreigners have their racial vulnerabilities exploited in the United Kingdom both by civil offenders and by the bodies that should prevent those events from happening.

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